July 27, 2020

What Did You Do During the Pandemic?

The COVIDeo Homemade Media Challenge

Get your creative juices flowing. We will compile all the entries, air them on TCMedia Channel 77, and share them on our Video on Demand and social media platforms. 

Please submit by 11:59 pm Friday, July 31, 2020

  • Length: short video - 2 minutes max
  • Rating: G – Must be suitable for all audiences
  • Rules: Please adhere to social distancing and wear masks when in close contact with others throughout the production process.

Your video should include:

One of the following themes:

  1.  What I did during my COVID summer?
  2.  What you would like to see the new normal be?
  3.  What did you do to get through this?
  4.  One of the following props:
  5.  Mask
  6.  Hand Sanitizer
  7.  Gloves
  8.  Sponge

One of the following phrases:

  1.  Did you wash your hands?
  2.  Is this 6 feet?
  3.  Social Distancing
  4.  Give me 6 feet

One of the following elements:

  1.  Webcam footage
  2.  Picture you took before the pandemic
  3.  Video you shot before the pandemic

Send to: mediachallenge@tcmedia.org  Include your name and phone number in the message.
If you need help with sending your file contact Ker Gesulga –kgesulga@tcmedia.org

May 14, 2020

Get Creative!

Thanks to everyone who submitted a video for the Homemade Media Challenge.  We loved seeing the creative work and the variety of ideas shared. It was so much fun we decided to do it again... with a twist.

It's time for Homemade Media Challenge Part 2: Silent Movie Edition.

Your job is to create a story with NO dialogue, just pictures and graphics and a music bed.   Think about an old silent movie.  They told stories with pictures and a few well placed graphics and a great music score to drive the plot along.   

We're providing 3 different pieces of music to pick from. They're all less than 90 seconds long but each is a different musical style.  You must use one of the selections we provide. 

Click the link below to download the music. 


  • Silent movie style - No spoken dialogue or voice overs, text graphics are fine.
  • Production format is your choice - movie, animation, slide show  - whatever tells the story best. 
  • You must use one of the music tracks provided.

Submit your finished project no later than 11:59 pm Sunday, May 31. Send your video to mediachallenge@tcmedia.org.
We will screen all the submissions at the TCMedia Member Zoom-In at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 3rd. 
All of the submissions will be compiled and scheduled to run on TCTVChannel 77.  
What are you waiting for. Download some music and get creative!

Music - Suspensful

Music - Old Time Piano

Music - Epic Adventure

April 17, 2020

Still Closed!

While the Stay-at-Home order continues, TCMedia is working hard to facilitate local communications and share information. 

Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater City council meetings are now held virtually but carried live on Channel 3 and 26. Our staff is producing a series of interviews with our elected officials and community leaders called "Stay Safe, Thurston County." 

All of the TCMedia channels are now streaming LIVE.  You can click on the 'Streaming Now' button on this website and pick the channel you want to watch.  

Every Wednesday at 5pm we hold a Zoom-In for TCMedia members.  These virtual training sessions cover different tools and techniques for making media in this very challenging time. 

It's a challenging time for all of us and we're looking forward to being able to see our members and communtiy face to face/.  

In the meantime, stay home, stay safe, wash your hands.
