May 2, 2018
TCMedia Competes in 2018 Best of the Northwest Awards
TCMedia staff and producers took home three Best of the Northwest Awards and three Honorable Mentions. The Best of the Northwest Awards is an annual media awards contest presented by the Alliance for Community Media Northwest.
Winners include:
Democracy in Action, The Women's March on Olympia, Andrea Capere
Produced by Youth, The Unknown, Young Producers Network
Shows for Children, Just Kidding Around, Diane Miller
Honorable Mentions were:
Informative Feature, Thurston County Connection: Best of 2017, Robert Kam and Susan Willis
Studio Talk Show, Mission Nonprofit: South Sound Estuarium, Andrea Capere
Studio Talk Show, Short and Sweet, Riley Gibson
Congratulations to our talented at hard-working staff and members! To watch the awards ceremony, hosted by Lacey resident and local actor Greg Marks, click here.